Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Globe smart

Globe smart

Q 1) Who did you interview? 2) Did your interviewee identify any suggestions that are not covered in the GlobeSmart information? If so, please list these suggestions. 3) What do you think are the most important suggestions for speaking with someone whose first language isn't English? 4) Do business contexts differ from other contexts (e.g. personal, social) when it comes to speaking with individuals whose first language isn't English? Why or why not? In what ways might language be more or less important in business contexts?

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1. It is an obvious matter of fact that business contexts differ from other contexts social or personal when it comes to speaking with individuals whose first language isn’t English. In the business interaction an individual is always expected to use suitable English that is appropriate for business context. On the other hand, in personal or social context, there can be use of colloquial English language as well. Any kind of small talks in the business context should be avoidable whereas in personal context small talks are important for building a strong relationship (Hua, 2013).